Monday, March 15, 2010


We are tired of your antics Nigerian Government!...Give us water, give us electricity, give us good education, pay our teachers well...we are sick of you stealing from and oppressing the people you are suppose to be leading. You have destroyed the land by looting the national treasury. If you continue like this...what Nigeria are you going to leave for the future, future generations?!....Stop the violence in Jos and other parts of the country...WE ARE SICK OF YOUR OPPRESSION!.........ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Letter to my lost One

Dear Lost one,

Today i saw an old email you sent to me and ofcourse it came rushing back, the good, the bad and the ugly........ I remember how you broke wasn't abruptly just subtle. Slowly, very slowly you slipped away from my grasp taking my heart with you. It's been like five years and i know i should pretend i don't think about you anymore but the truth is sometimes i still do....i wonder if you remember the moments we shared, the laughter, the simple things you taught me and the things you claimed i taught you. I remember the day you took me to the water front just because you wanted to see me that moment i did not appreciate your worth or even your efforts but now i know. Even in the moments of beauty i could see your heart was not ready...
You see, i thought you were different because you didn't come at me like the regular ol' dudes, you came as a friend and this i appreciated. I heard you got married and even though it's been a while my heart still felt a tug. I wish you happiness and lots of it but i still wondered if you love her like you loved me....i know it is wrong to think this way and i don't dwell on it, however if truth be told i do think about it... sometimes... like today.....

Now after all this years the pain is gone and all i have i can appreciate the moments we shared...the things you taught me about life because i was as young and silly as they came... I never thought i would say this but THANK YOU FOR SLIPPING AWAY...far far away.....i remember my desperation at the moment to hold on...if you never disappeared i would never have found know, the sorrow drove me to the greatest lover...he loves me so much, so much more than you could ever have. In his love i am discovering me and living life like it is supposed to be lived... I heard the desperation in your voice when i listened to your voice message but i would never return your call not because we can't be friends but because of too much water under the's the past and it's actually beautiful in the past.... So here is good bye lost one,let us take the different paths that life has lead us because really none of this things matter if we look at it from a bigger clear picture.... and here is one from lauryn Hill

From wannabewriter