Friday, September 11, 2009


Happy birthday to me!....i am really excited about my birthday, i can say i am now a woman for real. I understand things a lot better now.......and even though life is still a mystery i have learned to understand it better as i journey along. There are so many dreams yet achieved but there is peace deep within my heart. I am so grateful to God for giving me an opportunity to see another year. it is so amazing, i see his beautiful work in me, i see how every step i have taken has been monitored by him thus far. He indeed has shared my pain, weakness, joys, lonliness, excitement, paranoia, laughter, love lost and love i have lived a good 25years on the earth!....amazing. I hope by this time next year it will be even more amazing...Thank you lord.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What is true freedom?

I listened to a beautiful girl today describe what success is to her " success is getting to a place where it's no longer about me but about others" she said with fire burning deep within her eyes. Her answer forced me to reach into the recess of my own heart and face the voice that has whispered within my heart for so long "what is true freedom?"....i have listened to several preachers, psychologist, revolutionaries, Musicians, activist, speak not necessarily on freedom but on relating topics like success in weight loss, hair growth, in living a perfect life, in finances and so forth, but none of them have given me a satisfactory answer, until i kept searching the Bible aka the word of God for answers and the more i dug, the more freedom had less to do with me and more to do with my basking in the love of God and allowing that love to it's overflow until it is poured out on lives around me, it has less to do with money, that big house, financial freedom, Big flashy cars or whatever success might represent for you. Life is about love and the people who discover this enjoy the greatest joys of life. Freedom is found in the forgiving blood of the son of God JESUS CHRIST, true freedom is receiving and accepting his love letting it wash over you and learning that it is not about doing for he has done it all but about receiving with arms opened wide. Life is not promised to anyone, we are here today and gone tomorrow would you tie yourself down in the dreams of others? would you live life for just you? would you live forever in bitterness?. Freedom is the journey many have embarked on but not all got to it's destination, many get to half of the way and realize there is nothing good in man and the world then they give up thinking there is no hope.....if you would open up your heart more, just a little less doubt and ask more questions, is it possible that you might meet freedom?....waiting patiently?. Is this freedom life in the everyday living sense or is it life as in not afraid to die or lose at any time because you are not guided by the worlds view of life and death, riches and poverty, success and failures... as the appostle paul said in the bible " for me to live is christ and for me to die is gain".
what would life feel like if you had no fear...would you be free?...would you believe more? love harder? give of yourself daily..... I have come to the conclusion that whatever life is without fear is freedom and it can only be found in Christ Jesus and in him crucified...

Sunday, September 6, 2009 this is like the third blog i'm starting, hopefully i get to continually use this blog site. Anyhoos, right from when i was a younster, i always said that i would be a writer for some unknown reasons, as i got older i realised that the art of writing was a mixture of creativity and learned skills which journey i never embarked on, this is my journey in a way. Basically i'm going to use this blog to improve my non existent writing skills, even though right now i don't feel like i'm much of a writer in any sense of the word, however i am of the school of thought that anything can be learned...oops... the memory of the old man i came across at one point just flashed before my very eyes. He told me he loved to dance and was taking dance classes to improve his skills as a dancer, teasing him i said "common Bob show me what you've got" o boy was that a mistake!!!!...his hands kept on flapping and flaying around for a good five minutes before i realised that perhaps he was dancing. So i guess when it comes to becoming better at anything as long as you have a passion for it....hmmmm..i guess there are a few exceptions to that rule as in the case of my good friend Bob. So hopefully my improvement in writing does not become a case of "Bob"