Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nneka Egbuna simply...hmmm....whats the word again? words fail me when it comes to describing this bold but shy singer, songwriter, guitarist e.t.c, i have been following her music and the truths she spews through her lyrics which is usually intertwined with soulful melodies is just captivating. There is just something about truth and authenticity that can cut across barriers of culture and other things, that is what her Music has done!....whether you are American, Nigerian(like me), British, German or whatever, you can connect with the deep human desire for truth, justice and love to reign...obviously there are a few who would hate truth to reign because they are the culprits of the lies we all live in....but i digress...I hope people support her as her album drops in the U.S which is titled concrete jungle because i will definitely cop that album .... I don't know but there is something her music does for me, it tugs at my heart to be the change instead of complaining because truth be told we are all parts of the problem existing in our world today!...As a Nigerian her music pushes me to want to help Nigeria make a change, go back home and look for areas i can affect for the better....Nneka thanks for being real and showing us what the real face of music is in our generation, instead of all these crap being promoted...bling bling, booty shaking nonsense...


  1. i dont know anything she sang sa

  2. really? should look her up on youtube. She has an amazing voice and just speaks the truth....
